Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Theme Course about Sustainability Science

The theme course about sustainability science is a course for upper secondary school students. It’s a possibility for students to acquire skills and competences needed in the future and to have an impact on their environment and on the well-being in their school and their neighborhood in a tangible way.

During this course the students will develop their creativity, project working skills, problem solving and their skills for living within the limits of one planet. In addition, they’ll get contacts with their possible future places of work and study, to other students from high schools and university and to experts of different fields of work, e.g. companies, organizations and the city and the university of Oulu. All this supports the implementation of the new national core curriculum for general upper secondary schools.

This pilot course is held for the first time in Oulu. It is based on a course held last year in Helsinki, but this course goes even further in having a concrete influence on the school and the environment. During this spring the students will plan and carry out a project that is based on the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Students will be supported by mentors from different fields of expertise, by tutors who are student teachers interested in sustainability issues and by the course teacher.

 The course started in December by a kick-off event which included some inspiring presentations about sustainability and group work about Agenda 2030. During the spring the teams of students will meet at their own schools.

To sum up the course, there will be an event where the teams will present their projects to other students, mentors, tutors, teachers and decision-makers. They will have some feedback and there will be presentations and music performances regarding sustainability issues.

Paula Ratava

kuvat © Jussi Tomberg

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